Saturday, May 7, 2011


Exploring a little

So, the Sunday before working, I met up with a friend who has been here teaching English for 2 years. We met in a different part of the city, by me taking a bus to somewhere I didn’t know, and didn’t get lost J yay me! She introduced me to a couple of her friends and we hung out in a coffee place and then went to Karaoke. For those that don’t know, karaoke over here (at least in Korea and Japan), is much better (I think) than karaoke at home. At home, you are 1. singing in front of people you don’t know, 2. Listening to potentially bad singing by people you don’t know and 3. Have to be, usually, in a crowded bar. Here, you get a group of your friends together, go to a karaoke place, (which are plentiful) and kinda “rent” a room for a couple hours. I did this in Korean Town in NYC, but it was more fun here. You are only with your friends, you can bring in food or order drinks and food and just hang out and sing. It’s really cheap and really fun. I’m glad I got the chance to go early on. I’ll definitely be going again, soon.

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